Surabaya, 29 July 2022
Today in the office, we had a zoom meeting with the topic of "bijak bermedsos" or "wise in using social media" but in the middle of the meeting, I left because of this:
They said we have to avoid giving support to LGBT. I was so disappointed that even government institution is doing discrimination towards LGBT people. LGBT people are seeking safe place, protection and support, as they have been discriminated by society especially by those religious people.
Maybe they will never understand how it feels to grow up as an LGBT person. It's not something we can choose. It just happens naturally, as the heterosexual does. I wish I was not born and raised here, as the discriminations, slanders, and pressures towards LGBT people has made them (also me) frustated and depressed.
I am trying to accept myself, to love myself as I really am. But I grew as a person who never feels enough of validation from others and always hate himself for imperfection. It's all because I wanna prove that I am better than those who discriminate people like me.
I wish they could understand what I feel. This also makes me feel like nobody understands me and makes me sad and angry.