Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Does LGBT spread HIV?

 Surabaya, 7 December 2022

LGBT people are still strongly stigmatised in Indonesia as the main cause of HIV spread. But this is so misleading.

The main reason of HIV spread is unsafe sex, whether it is done by homosexual person or by heterosexual person.

In fact in many developed countries that have legalised same-sex marriage, the number of HIV case in LGBT people is declining as they are aware of safe sex behaviour.

HIV is actually no longer being as a death sentence, as the people with HIV can live longer and normally by consuming ARV regularly. They can even have a baby without spreading the virus to their partner or to their baby. And the partner can protect themselves by consuming PrEP.

But still, in Indonesia, HIV is still stigmatised as a dirty disease that only infects "sinful" people. Oh, c'mon my country...!