Check the video on the link below:
They said to save Rohingya from genocide done by Burmese military and Buddhists. But they forget they are actually promoting genocide to Ahmadiyya, Shia, other minorities, homosexuals, infidels, Jews, etc. What a hypocrisy.
What I wrote in this blog about my-(de jure not the facto)-religion is not a slander. That is what I feel and what I see with my surroundings. It is not not people like me who try to attack Islam. It is themselves who make Islam looks so horrible and frightening. I have heard, read, and watched people around me spitting judmental words and threats towards people like me (homosexuals, disbelievers) in the name of their religion.
I also realise that this terrifying attitude does not represent a whole population of Muslims. I believe extremists are small in numbers but seriously loud in voice. Sometimes, the rest of Muslims don't really agree with these extremists, but they don't really reject them either. They are kind of in between. As a result, they can be either: 1) forced to agree with the extremists because they are afraid to disobey the religion or afraid to be ostracised from their community, or 2) splitted as moderates despite they are now being judged as sinners by the extremists.
Now we can see that it is extremists that make disintegration between us.
Last but not least, it is true that those extremists are forcing their Islamic rules to apply to other people. As I always said, they legitimate their action in the name of their religion. They argue the action is necessary to protect their aqeeda, to protect their young generation from bad influences, and not to make their God gets angry and punishes them. They force their own moral standard to other people.