Yesterday, my crush told me that he felt annoyed with a guy who kept chasing for his love. That guy is working in the same office with him. The guy straighforwardly shows his desire to him and keeps trying to get his attention. He told me that he got misterious gifts and snacks on his office desk everyday, and he knows those are from that guy. And yesteday, the guy texted my crush saying he will come to my crush's house tonight to beg for his love.
Few weeks ago, my crush also said to me that he got another mysterious message from someone on facebook. The message was so disgusting and offensive. That mysterious person said "I want to meet you, I want to sleep on your chest tonight before I leave for Australia. Tonight is the only chance for me". Innit a sexual harassment?
Despite my jealousy to those mysterious people, those messages are actually threatening behaviours and can be jailed. Those real life stalkers are sick and probably psychopathic.
I know that finding a lover for homosexuals in Indonesia is so challenging since everyone is hiding in their closets. And when you think you get one, you really do not want to lose him. People are losing their mind and becoming so possessive. I wish I am not loving my crush in that way. I need to learn how to love whole-heartedly and unconditionally, even if I have to let him go. 😟