Friday, December 29, 2017

Religious Slanders

Malang, 29 December 2017

So, his comment on my post is firmly confirming how blinded someone can be when they have been so hating other groups merely because of what their religion tell them so. They put aside their brain to deliberate all the rational aspects, unless their faith will be questionable.

It is so funny and looks so stupid to proudly show how radical they practice their religion. They clearly state LGBT deserve death punishment. But to justify their reasoning, they make false claiming about LGBT. They slander LGBT just to match their religion's codes. And they don't feel ashamed or guilty for doing that. They might feel they have been the best person on earth for obeying their god's words.

How many slanders and hoaxes do they need to comfort them with their faith?

Slanders and misleading information are not only used to justify their hate to LGBT. This kind of "reasoning matching" is also used to justify their hate to other groups of religion (let's say Christians and Jews), or even to haram things (such as haram to eat pork, haram to pet dogs). To them, forbidden is forbidden and haram is haram. It is all about black and white, and there is no space for black to be white or white to be black. It is un-revise-able constitution. Therefore, they hardly look for any claims to justify it, even if the claims are totally wrong.