Thursday, December 21, 2017

When Underage Marriage is Supported but Same-Sex Marriage is Rejected

Malang, 21 Desember 2017

How could he support underage marriage, unregistered marriage, and polygamy just because his religion is permitting. And how could he hate same-sex marriage just because of his religion-sentiment. Isn't it showing that his belief is disgusting, immoral, and irrational? Isn't showing how hypocritical they are?

Underage marriage is forbidden because several reasons. Kids cannot make a consent yet. Kids reproduction organs are not developed yet. Kids psychology is not mature yet. Kids cannot support their own economy. Underage marriage leads to poverty, underdevelompent and other household-level to coutry-level problems.

Unregistered marriage can create future problem in legal wise. Women and kids in unregistered marriage are always be the victims. And, polygamy is showing how lust-driven they are. 

And same-sex marriage is rejected by them just because their religion tell them so? Yeah, true. They don't need their brain. They just need bedtime stories to believe and to punish other people. Good job, sir!

*update: I just found this article and the idea is just very similar with mine.