Saturday, December 23, 2017

Why Do They Try To Enforce Their Belief To Other People?

Malang, 23 December 2017

Why do some Muslims try so hard to enforce their belief to other people? Because they believe if they let other people make the sins, the god will punish the entire population with natural disasters.

Is the god really this psychopathic? Does he really want them to punish other people, otherwise he will punish the entire population by himself?

Does it sound so scary? Does it sound like a terrorism brainwashing? 

That's it. That's what is happening right now. Other people must obey to their rule because they don't wanna their god punishes them.

They believe LGBT is a contagious disease. They believe homosexuals are threatening their next generations. They believe letting homosexuals to exist will lead to god's anger.

They don't wanna that to happen. So, everyone must obey their rules.

What if I have different point of views about anything they believe. What if I believe drinking alcohol responsibly is okay. What if I believe sex before marriage is a personal business. What if I believe homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals do.

Those people and me can never agree on what we believe. So, letting each of us to do what we believe without interfering each other is the solution.

But no! They can't let me do the things they believe their god will get angry about. So, now you see the problem, don't you?

*Anyway, I have a critique for the illustration on the link above. It does not explain why do some bolts want to be with bolts and some nuts want to be with nuts. The illustration simply assumes they do it just for fun. In fact, that's not the case in LGBT. So, the illustration fails and is irrelevant. They'd better do research before judging us.

And what about a bolt that has four nuts? What a perfect hypocrisy when the lust is concealed with religion. Lol.