Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Sydney, 14 June 2017

One characteristic of OCD symptom says if the patient may worry to hit pedestrians when he drives a car. That's something very true in me. I always think what if something could go so wrong and results in the worst grief such as lost of lives. I have had this imagination since I was young but I didn't realise if it is a symptom of OCD. When I told my imagination to my friends, they always said if I had an exaggeratingly negative thoughts.

Another characteristic of OCD is that the person always double-triple-quadruple-checks on every works he just did just to make sure if everything has been done correctly and securely. This is also very true in me. 10 years ago, my best friend said to me "you are an over-worried person". I didn't understand what he said at that time. I didn't see that was in me. But now I just understand what he meant.