The death of Yana Zein has shown me how egoistic some Muslims are and how wise Christians are.
The news was commented by many people on Facebook, and I came to a conclusion.
Christians say it does not matter if Yana is buried with Islamic or Christian way. The most important is her deeds when she lived.
Her father, who is a Muslim (who also has abandoned her for another wives), suddenly came during her burial and asked to bury her in Islamic way.
Muslim argues, Yana is her father's dependent. In Islam, father is fully responsible to his daughter's islamness. All daughter's sin will also be her father's sin. In this case, Yana's father does not want his negligance will cause him and Yana end up in hell.
If Yana has decided to be a Christian, why can't his father respect his daughter's belief? He just wants to save himself based on his own perspective. Thus, he forces the deceased to follow his belief and he does not accept other people's belief. (Aren't we so familiar with this intolerant behaviour in many many aspect in life?)
Is this the true picture of Muslims? I remember some people argue the importance of religion information in identity card is to know how the deceased should be buried. Is it that important over anything else? Then why is it so important? Is it the furthest logic they can argue?
Their answer will come back again to their religion's dogma. Because that's what being said by their religion and there is no other arguments accepted. And it turns to be so egoistic, proven by this case.
Why can't they just help and take care other people regardless their belief? Why does the status of religion become so important to help in the name of humanity? Why don't they just respect the deceased without complicating her based on her religion?
While Christians pray for her, some Muslims keep cursing and judging her for her ambiguous religion status.