Thursday, April 20, 2017

Jakarta Governor Election 2017

Sydney, 20 April 2017

I rarely comment on politics, but I think what happened in Jakarta governor election 2017 clearly depicts that most of Indonesians are racists and easily provoked by the sentiment of religion. Again, this is a real example of how people will act irrationally when their mind is controlled by religion. They will put aside all the logic and reality and they eyes are blinded and their brain is covered by the religion. Whether the fact says right or wrong, they don't look up on it. They just believe what their religion says as the right source. I wouldn't say which candidate is better or worse. What I am gonna say is that people elect the candidate not based on their rational deliberation, but merely (and blindly) based on religion. No matter how bad the candidate is, if their religion orders them to choose him, they will choose him, and no matter how good the candidate is, if their religion forbids them to choose him, they will ignore the fact that he is competent to be chosen.

Isn't it the real example of hypocrisy? Then, why do they accuse others as hypocrites? They should have bought mirror for themselves!

Now it also shows how dangerous to be extremist is, since they will not be rational anymore, cannot think straight, and would die if their religion asks them to do so. Probably, this is how those terrorists initially get brainwashed.

In my opinion, accusation of insulting Islam to the incumbent is just a strategy made up and employed by his political opponents to tackle him. To me, what he says in his speech is depicting the truth of our society's condition, but Muslim cannot accept the truth and being denials as usual, when they come to their religion. RIP Indonesia.