Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Discrimination and Hate by Muslims towards Homosexuals

Sydney, 2 May 2017

I came across to my friend's post on Facebook. He is an example of homophobic Indonesians who have been brainwashed with Islamic doctrine. Here is his hate speech toward LGBT which now makes me instantly sad and disappointed:

"Apakah sudah sedemikian parahnya negara ini? 
Sehingga para pemuja gaya hidup penyuka sesama jenis (LGBT) sudah leluasa lakukan aktivitas penyimpangan mereka bahkan tindakan mereka didukung oleh aparat berwenang ketika ada seorang tokoh ulama penyeru agama sedang berikhtiar mendidik para generasi muda agar tidak terjerumus dalam gaya hidup menyukai sesama jenis di usir paksa oleh kalian?
Ketika ada seseorang atau tokoh agama yang sedang berusaha lawan arus pemikiran menyukai sesama jenis, bukankah seseorang atau tokoh tersebut sedang berusaha menjamin kualitas hidup, keluarga, anak anak keturunan dan lingkungan sehat kalian?
Apakah kalian memang menginginkan keluarga dan anak anak kalian kelak menjadi aktivis dan pelaku LGBT?
Lalu apa yang kalian harapkan?
Kepuasan nafsu menyimpang yang tersalurkan?
Kerusakan mental?
Kerusakan fisik dan berkumpulnya penyakit kelamin dalam satu jasad yang sama hingga fisik dan kelaminnya hancur bahkan sebelum nyawa meregang?
Kalian ingin melihat jasad anak kalian rusak karena menjadi pelaku LGBT?
Kalian inginkan kepunahan silsilah keturunan dan generasi kalian di masa depan sehingga negara ini dihuni oleh bangsa lain yang masih normal perilakunya? Lihatlah benua Eropa skg krisis populasi generasi masa depannya.. apakah itu yang kalian inginkan?
Bukankah kalian terlahir dari pasangan bapak ibu kalian yang normal?
Hewan pun akan jijik melihat perilaku kalian.. bahkan saking jijiknya mereka tetap akan berperilaku normal meski kecanggihan dunia kloning sudah teruji tetap hewan tersebut akan berperilaku normal..
Apakah kalian lebih rendah dari pada hewan?
Bukankah kalian dibekali otak dan emosional lebih sempurna daripada hewan, lalu kenapa berperilaku lebih rendah daripada hewan?
Alloh menciptakan semua makhluknya secara berpasang-pasangan laki laki-perempuan
Bahkan Alloh menciptakan Adam dan seorang Hawa dari tulang rusuknya Adam.., bukan menciptakan Adam dan seorang James dari tulang rusuknya.. yang akhirnya beranak pinak melahirkan generasi per generasi sampai sekarang ini..
Ingat lah hal itu..

If only he knew how it feels to be a homosexual, he must be sorry to say those words.

  1. LGBT is not a lifestyle. It is a condition of sexual orientation of an individual. No one can choose to grow up as straight or gay, as no one can explain who has taught them to have sexual attraction to a particular gender as they enter puberity. It all comes naturally.
  2. Homosexual exists naturally. Gender is not as simple as binary; it is a spectrum. Islam indoctrinates there are only two genders; male and female, and nothing is in between. Islam tells a story of a cursed homosexuals. Islam punished homosexuals with a death penalty by throwing them from height. Homosexual Muslims are hiding their identity because of afraid of the sin, afraid of being ashamed and bullied, afraid of being disowned and rejected, or afraid of the death punishment. Islam fully controls the form of sexual interactions.
  3. Homosexual is not disease. Getting a depression because of being homosexual is the disease. Islam causes depression to homosexuals.
  4. Homosexual has no cure. It is a spectrum of sexual orientation from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual, or has no sexual attraction at all to anything.
  5. Homosexual is not a contagious disease. A straight person becomes gay because he is actually gay inside. He either kept it secret, hindered it, nor denied his condition because the social environment did not allow him to be so. When the environment supports him to be gay, he  is sincerely and openly to be gay.
  6. Homosexual is not dirty. It is sexual orientation, not sexual disease. Unhealty sexual behaviours can happen to either heterosexual or homosexual.
  7. Homosexual is not disgusting. It is only your perception. Love is not disgusting. A Muslim who marries four women in the name of religion, but actually, he is just pervert who fulfills his lust, is disgusting. A straight men who disrespects, harasses and plays women is disgusting. A couple (either straights or gays) who makes out in public is disgusting. Lovers (either straights or gays) who become selfish and ignorant because of their love story, forgetting all their responsibilities, is disgusting.
  8. Homosexual is not an immorality. Immoral behaviour can happen to anyone regardless their sexual orientation.
  9. Homosexual is not sexual deviation. Either homosexual or heterosexual can have sexual deviation. Straight Muslims who enslave women to fulfill their lust, or even marry underage girls (pedophilia) is the real example of sexual deviation.
  10. Homosexual happens in nature. Some animals are homosexual, some are bisexual, some are asexual. Plants, animals, unicellular, or multi-cellular organisms are not limited by gender binary. It contradicts with Quran that says every creature is created in couple (male and female).
  11. Human exists from the evolution process. All the evidence has supported the science of evolution and discarded the theory of creation. The creation of first human named Adam and the creation of first woman named Eve from Adam's rib sounds like a child's fairy tale in science perspective.
  12. Medics and WHO have acknowledged that homosexuality is not disease. It is a normal condition of being in between of spectrum of sexual orientation.
  13. Muslims keep being denial since they always stick to their Quran as the source of truth. They always make up justification to cover the flaws of Quran.
  14. Modern civilisations such as Europe are open minded and moving from dark ages to openness and fairness. The fact is non-religious countries are developed in all aspects and Islamic countries are left behind in almost everything. Muslims have more than one wives and dozens of children, a rapid growth of population, but they have low quality of life. Europe is not driven by how many people they have, but how good the quality of people they have is. Another fact is so many refugees from Islamic countries seeking for asylum to non-religious countries for a better living environment sustained by infidels. Will Muslim immigrants outnumber the original population of Europeans? Will they change or immerse to the social value of European? Will they sustain or deteriorate the advances of Europe?
  15. The number of homosexual is not increasing. They are revealing themselves since the modern society is now accepting their existence. 
  16. Islam claims its rules are to make social order and to make a healthy environment. The truth is Islam has imprisoned the homosexual's right and put them into depression. Islam is only favorable for male maniac creepers who want to marry and control many women (even still willing to have 72 mistresses in the life after death) and favorable for straight bigots who hate to the existence of homosexuality.
  17. Islam causes disorder in homosexual's life. The rejection of the existence of homosexuals makes them to have unhealthy backstreet relationship. Acceptance of their status in public will actually makes them to have healthier relationship. Meanwhile Islam blames homosexuals for the disorder.
  18. The concept of family has changed radically. To me, it is more respected for homosexual couples to honestly love each others and help kids around the world, than pervert Muslims who want to control women as their sex slaves and produce uncontrollable number of offspring irresponsibly. Earth cannot support the externalities of large human population.
  19. Muslims have been indoctrinated to hate homosexual. They always judge homosexuality as a bad thing no matter what. Even if a good homosexual has contributed to the development of the world and actually helped Muslims too, Muslims will keep opposing homosexuality. While they don't do anything but deterioration. What a hypocrisy.
  20. Muslims will not be able to accept this writing since their rationality has been blinded by doctrine of their religion.
  21. Straight will never understand how it feels to grow up as homosexual. They never know the pain to pretend to be someone else, to never have the true love, to bleedingly try to be sexually attracted to opposite sex but never works, to accept judging and bullies, to be labelled sinner for something we never know why we grow up this way, to see the world full of hypocrisy, and to feel lonely in this world. All they can do is judging since they claim they are normal. All they see is that normal means men are attracted to women or vice versa, and nothing else. We are invisible to them.
But the most unbelievable part is that Straights and Muslims (and Straight Muslims) think they know everything about homosexual better than the homosexuals themselves. They think they have a right to control homosexual what to do and what not to do since their religion empowers them to do so. They act as a god to judge homosexuals.

I don't ask them to understand us. They will never understand us since they will never be us. They are judging us, but I'll be fine since I have been judged up to now. To me, the matter is not what your religion is, what your sexual orientation is, or whatever you are, it is how you treat others and what you have done for them.