Sydney, 27 May 2017
People are cursing the terrorism and suicide bombing that just happened in Manchester UK, Marawi Philippines, and Jakarta Indonesia. They say terrorists are not Muslims, terrorism is not Islam.
I know that terrorism is the ultimate manifestation of intolerance. They don't tolerate anyone else who has different belief with them. They want the world to follow what they believe, otherwise they will kill the dissidents. Doesn't it sound familiar?
What happened in the middle of Indonesian Muslims is something towards to this radicalism. While most of Indonesian Muslims are cursing the terrorists, they are still doing some intolerances. Let's list the evidences:
- They judged other Muslims who don't agree with them to choose Muslim leaders only during last Jakarta governor election.
- They caned gay couples in Aceh province.
- They support public shaming towards gay people after some raid cases by police.
- They destroyed food stalls that open during Ramadan.
- They forbid other Muslims to celebrate Valentine's day, New Year, or to send some Christmas wishes.
- They use their own perspective to legitimate their intolerance.
- And so many more.
Now, can you see the similarities between intolerance done by terrorists and intolerance done by some Indonesian radical Muslims? Intolerance begins with small things like judgments towards different groups, but later on it takes away all our rights in life just like what terrorists did. Now, if they curse terrorism, should I give them a mirror to see what they have actually done?
I prefer to live in liberal, secular communities. I find them are more respectful towards others and more appreciating other people's life.