Friday, May 19, 2017

Hate Comments towards Homosexuals

Sydney, 19 May 2017

This morning before I went to the class, I came across to a news on the Facebook about a gay couple got punished in Aceh province. What makes me really sad is majority of the comments on that news are blaming homosexuals. They say we are sinners, contagious disease, dirty, lower than animals, and deserved to die in the most brutal way.

If only they know how it feels to be a homosexual, how hard it is to suit yourself in order to be accepted by the society, and how painful it is to hide disappointment over the hypocrisy. No one in this world chooses his sexual orientation. Straights are supposed to be feeling grateful to be considered as "normal". They do not need to think or learn how to erect their penises in front of women. All comes naturally. And so does homosexuality. This is something that they will never understand since they will never be us.

Too bad, their hate speech is spoken in the name of their religion and their god. While, their religion is full of hypocrisy, they can never see it. They keep denying. I am so sick of it, and this situation makes me even more depressed.