Monday, May 22, 2017

Gay Sauna Party

Sydney, 22 May 2017

Today I just read a news that police has arrested hundreds of gay who had a sauna party in Jakarta. This is a little bit disappointing news since it brings a bad image of gay people to the society and it is used by intolerant extremists to justify their action to attack gay people.

Arguably, some of gay's life are dirty and superficial. They live their life just for fun, money, and sex. My ex said to me that I will never find a true love in gay people since they only care about money and lust. 

I realise that unhealthy gay's life exists because of the desperation of gay people. They realise that there is no way for them to have public acceptance for their relationship as what heterosexuals have. Religion is never allowing them to exist, yet gay people do always exist in nature no matter how religion tries to suppress them. At the end, some gay find there is no future for their love life, thus their despair makes them run into a free life.

Finding a whole lifetime partner in gay's life is so challenging since most of them are discreet, and when they have found one, they can become so possessive. After all, the depression, rejection, loneliness, and possession sometimes make them psychopathic. This also brings a very bad image to gay's life.

The other ones (who can work on their lust to women, probably they are more bisexuals than pure homosexuals) choose to get married to a woman. They may fake their feeling just to fit in the society and religion. However, in some cases, they couldn't lie to their hearts, and end up with cheating with other man, and divorce their wife. They don't have a happy life and they break their family. This one also brings a negative image to homosexuality.

But, homosexuals are also human being. Those are only stereotypes echoing within the society. There are still a lot of homosexuals who have done good things for their society. There are a lot of homosexuals who live, work and socialise normally as heterosexuals. People just overlook them since they are just like them, nothing is different, right?

Life is an option but sexual orientation is not. People may become a good person or a bad person regardless their sexual orientation. Gay life scandals always attract public attention since homosexuality is not something widely accepted in the middle of society. In fact, the same scandalous behaviours also happen amongst heterosexuals in even much larger number. People just hate homosexual because their religion tell them to do so, thus for them, homosexual means crime. They blame the homosexuality, not the scandalous behaviour.

To me personally, I still believe that the true love among homosexuals does still exist. Our love is more than just a lust, unlike Muslims that promotes polygamy, women oppression, and sex slavery in the name of their religion. Yet, Muslims always think that they have a right to kill us since they believe we bring a curse and cause the god's anger.

At the end, it is actually the religion that has caused the gay's life worsening. Religion has suppressed gay's right yet they punish us for the disorderliness caused by the suppression. They keep denying that we shouldn't exist, but the truth is we do exist. In the other hand, they don't do self-reflection for the hypocrisies the have made.

And do you think that there is no prostitution among straight, Muslim society? Think again! And do you think that gay's life is only about sex and lust and prostitution? You should think again. We are not goats that cannot control our brain and libido.

Well, I am not a free-sex or an open relationship kind of person, but I don't care at all with what other people do or believe, as long as they don't do harm to others. What I do really mind is when some people claim themselves as the rightest ones and that makes them into gods who can judge and punish other people merely based on their belief. The matter is how you mind your own business and respect others.

My dream is to be happy as who I really am and I still believe in love. I dream to have someone to love and spend the rest of my life with him.

P.S. Seriously, I often think that Islam always pushes other people to follow what they believe, otherwise they will make war to them. They always feel intimidated by other people's religion, statues, gods, beliefs, values in life, and anything that they think it's gonna harm their faith. It is so funny yet it does not make any sense at all to me. When you fail because you didn't function really well, why then you blame others?