Sunday, May 21, 2017

What If We Were Born and Raised by a Non-Muslim Family?

Sydney, 21 May 2017

Responding to the case of Afi Nihaya Faradisa' status on her Facebook and answered by Gilang Kazuya Shimura, a very very long time ago, I also asked the very same question "If only we were not born and raised by a Muslim family, would we be still Muslims now?".

At that time, my question was also replied with the very same hadith "We were all originally born as Muslims, but our parents have made us to be Jews, Christians, or Zoroastrians".

To me, this answer is only a self-proclaiming, a logical falacy (they say it is right because their religion is right), and actually not answering the question. I guess they don't dare to give a freedom of critical thinking. Their mind is still chained under the control of their religion, so they are afraid to see from outer perspective. They are afraid to admit the truth and to lose their belief. They prefer to live in denial forever and ever.

P.S. I guess Afi has already known the hadith that Gilang told her (when she says in her status "since I was kid, I was told that Islam is the rightest religion..."). It is actually Gilang that has not been reaching the logic of what Afi says.

Update: Today, I just read a post on Facebook about a response to Gilang's writing, and this response is very similar to what I have written in here last night. You may check it out in